Mission Statement

I started the North East Sling Library so that we could help anyone who wants to carry their baby to do so, this guiding principle has not wavered in since I began the library and is central to our Mission Statement.
We believe it is every child’s right to develop strong and secure attachments to their parents and caregivers, and that this can be facilitated by using a soft sling, if the parent wishes. But, we do not believe there is only one type of parent that slings and you do not need to be an Attachment Parent to use our services or a carrier.
We believe there is no age by which a child must stop being carried. We want to help you to carry your ‘babies’ for as long as both of you wish (within the limits of weight limits of carriers) and will work with you to find a carrier that meets both your needs. These needs may change as baby gets older but we want to help you know what choice to make next.
We will never tell you that you can carry your baby if you have been explicitly told by a Health Care Professional that you cannot or should not. But, we can work with you and your HCP to see if there are acceptable solutions, if this is what you wish to do.
We believe there is no right or wrong sling and we do not believe anyone should be criticised for their choice, and will actively discourage negative language in our group or on our page. We simply believe that if it works for you; then it is the right carrier for you. However, we are here to help you make informed decisions based on our knowledge and skills, and current research and best practice, if you feel you need more support. We will continue to improve our skills through training, Continuous Professional Development and practise.
We will provide a welcoming and friendly environment. Everyone is welcome. Although our home based sessions are not fully accessible all our other sessions are. We will also work with you to find solutions, if you cannot attend other locations.
Our fees will remain as low as possible in order to allow all to access but if they are genuinely too high and you cannot afford them, then please talk to us. We will do our best to lower fees, waive late fees etc. in genuine cases of hardship or if medical needs mean a sling is essential (whether for physical or mental reasons, bonding etc.). Currently, we have over 250 slings and carriers which are available to hire from as little as 35p a day (£15 for 4 weeks).
We will not make judgments on your parenting style, feeding choices, etc. What works for you, works. Simple. We are here though, if you want a shoulder to cry on and a cup of tea making for you. We are here to listen. Listening first and foremost; as only from listening to what you want and need can we help you make informed choices. We will signpost you to other services if we can.
We cannot promise not to tell, if we feel that a child or yourself is at risk. Safeguarding of you and your child are a priority. But we will only share information if it is necessary for your safety.